The CH.I.L.D. Foundation has a secret weapon- our donors! Every cent gets us closer to a cure for pediatric IBD, Crohn’s Disease, and Ulcerative Colitis. Please consider donating any amount and we will send a charitable tax receipt to acknowledge your gift. You can donate online, over the phone, or by mail.
Note: Restricted donations will first be expended for the donor’s designated use, but any excess after fulfillment of the expenses can be used for general purposes.
Donate online, by phone, or mail:
Please Note:
Ensure to share your address and phone number with us on PayPal in order for us to mail your charitable tax receipt.
With any questions please email andrea@child.ca or call at 604-736-0645.
– Donating ‘In Loving Memory’ or ‘In Honour Of’:
If you have donated In Loving Memory or In Honour of someone else and would like to send a message, please email andrea@child.ca
You can donate by Credit Card over the phone simply by calling 604-736-0645 with your credit card numbers ready!
NOTE: If your call is not answered please leave a voicemail with your contact info, we will get back to you within three business days.
You can send us cash or cheques by mail!
Kindly send all donations to:
CH.I.L.D. Foundation
201 – 2150 Western Parkway,
UBC Campus, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1V6
Donate via United Way
You can donate to the CH.I.L.D. Foundation via United Way – providing you designate specifically that the donated dollars are to go to the CH.I.L.D. Foundation. The United Way will send you a tax receipt and forward the donation to the CH.I.L.D. Foundation. We will acknowledge your gift with our letter as well.
Want to do more?
Look into Planned Giving
First Time Donors:
Since 1995, The CH.I.L.D. Foundation has relied on donations from people just like you to support children stricken with Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBD, and liver disorders.
If you’ve never given to CH.I.L.D., or haven’t donated since 2007, your donation now will qualify for a tax credit of 54% on a one time donation between $200 and $1000!
Click HERE for more information.